4 Tips To Increase Enjoyment And Enhance Performance In Remote Work

Mar 11 / Dr. Robert L. Wilson Jr.

Many people are working remotely these days. Whether they are working 100% remotely or doing more of a hybrid, remote work is part of the new “norm” when it comes to the workplace. Depending on who you talk to there are pros and cons to this type of work. There are often challenges that come with this work as well. Some of those challenges include the multitude of distractions that come along with remote workspace especially if you're working from home.  This includes family, pets, and home life as you know it.  

Many work from home but may not effectively and efficiently set boundaries regarding the responsibilities and roles of work and home life.  Sometimes that can impede or conflict with your role at work. When are you at home vs at work? Sometimes staying on task can be an issue because of the lack of structure of a traditional work environment. Especially if your family needs access to you and think because you’re at home you’re not working.  Sometimes this misconception of working from home means to others that you're not working.   Oftentimes people are trying to balance being home, tending to family needs, and being at work ineffectively. Although those are some challenges there are also opportunities with remote work such as the freedom to work independently, being creative and innovative, no travel, and no office politics are just a few.  

What if there were some tips to turn those challenges into opportunities for your remote work success?  How can you increase your enjoyment? How can you enhance your performance? How can someone make the most out of their workspace? We will discuss both the challenges and the opportunities that someone may encounter in their remote work.  

Here are 4 tips to increase your enjoyment and enhance your performance with remote work. Those 4 tips are: 1) invest in your environment physically and mentally by setting boundaries, 2) increase your knowledge and skill set, 3) use and tap into your creativity and innovation in how you work, and 4) connect and join a professional community for support.  

Invest in Your Environment Physically and Mentally
By Setting Boundaries

First, let’s discuss the challenges that someone may encounter in a remote space or doing remote work in the physical and mental space. If your workspace and your home space are in the same space, there could be potential problems that you might face such as being organized and effectively using the space.  How do you differentiate between the two? It is critical to your remote work success that you set boundaries in your physical workspace but also mentally in your workspace. What are your opportunities to do this?  

Physically you must create a clear space and location that's conducive to your work, allows you to work without interruption, has access to what you need to do the work, and it's comfortable while you work. Many times, folks will go to work remotely without creating a workspace for themselves.   This can be done by identifying a room or space, setting markers to outline the space, removing non-work materials and items, and moving to the space can help to set boundaries and prepare the space mentally.  

Mentally setting boundaries may look like having a schedule of the times when you work, dressing for work, taking breaks, creating self-care routines, journaling, and relaxation strategies.  This increases enjoyment because it helps workers to have ownership of space physically and mentally. This enhances performance because it provides a work environment conducive to getting positive results.  

Increase Knowledge: Your Competence Builds Your Confidence

Another challenge maybe not being able to complete tasks because of the lack of knowledge of how to do it.  You can’t just go to the office or cubicle next to you or down the hall to get assistance. This is a great opportunity to build your competence and confidence by intentionally increasing your knowledge and information regarding your job concerning remote work.  For example, if you’re facilitating virtual meetings, learn the different features of the platform that you are using to increase your effectiveness.     

Learning, unlearning, and relearning information and how to communicate becomes an important element in remote work.  A key competency is being able to work independently.  Remote work is not micromanaged and because it’s not remote work employees need to increase their knowledge and skill set on managing their time, and projects, increase critical thinking, and get results.  How you use your skills to tap into your creativity and innovation is a must in this space. This increases enjoyment because when workers have competence it builds confidence and fulfillment due to their abilities. This enhances performance by how information is gathered, used, communicated, and applied with competencies and skills to do it effectively.  

Use and Tap Into: Your Creativity and Innovation The next challenge we will discuss is doing traditional work in a non-traditional work setting.  Remote work requires creativity and innovation.  From creating physical and mental boundaries to new ways of using knowledge to get the job done.  How do you keep your work from getting boring or monotonous?  The opportunities and possibilities are endless to find new ways to do your job.  It might be the tools you are using such as multiple screens, lighting, headsets, comfortable chairs, adjustable desks, and microphones.  

The creativity and innovation may be in the way that you perform your work.  This is also a time of self-discovery about you, your work preferences, strengths, and weaknesses.  Based on your observations and findings recognize what tools and resources you need to be successful.  Setting timers or reminders to get certain tasks done and manage time.  Using innovation to provide and deliver products, programs, and services.  Such as creating digital products, online courses, facilitating virtual groups/meetings, or joining a professional community. This increases enjoyment because of the self-discovery and unlocking of their potential.  This enhances performance by tapping into new ways, methods, and opportunities to work and accomplish tasks.  

Connect and Join A Professional Community

The last challenge we will discuss is working independently but not alone.  Some organizations don’t provide adequate support to their remote workers.  In that case, the opportunity for those working remotely can be to join a professional community.  Either by purchasing a subscription or finding others in your industry who meet weekly or monthly to build connections and networking.  Providing opportunities for consistent engagement and connection is critical to providing support and belonging.   

The challenge can also be in finding the right group or community.  The opportunity is expanding your network, investing in opportunities for professional development, and embracing new ways of connecting with others.  This can be based on your industry or interests.  Also, organizations can develop programs or contract services that provide coaching, mentorship, or professional communities for remote workers.  There is also training that focuses specifically on creating unique, effective, and engaging online, virtual, and remote education, development, and training for workforce development solutions. This increases enjoyment through having social support and connections.  This enhances performance because the group serves as a mastermind to build each other and discover the best practices and strategies to work.


In conclusion, some tips can increase enjoyment and enhance performance with remote work.  4 tips to increase your enjoyment and enhance your performance with remote work. These 4 tips are: 1) invest in your environment physically and mentally by setting boundaries, 2) increase your knowledge and skill set, 3) use and tap into your creativity and innovation in how you work, and 4) connect and join a professional community for support can increase enjoyment and enhance performance with remote work.  They help address the challenges while providing strategies to see the opportunities that remote work can be enhanced intentionally and strategically.  Individual workers and organizations may want to incorporate these tips in their remote work for success. 

For additional information, products, programs, or services to assist with this process contact me at GlobalSolutionsETA@gmail.com.

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